Teatud põhjustel olen viimasel ajal end tabanud taas mõtisklemast inimloomuse erinevate omaduste ja nende väljendusviiside üle. Kirjutamiseks aga vormus see täna, kui täiesti kogemata komistasin Tiiauspaikka blogis EQ testile. Minu enda tulemused on sellised:
Your Score: 49 |
45 - 54 |
Congratulations! You have very high emotional intelligence. This is good news! EQ counts for twice as much as IQ and technical skills combined in determining who will be a star performer. Your level of EQ likely has been and will be a driver of your high performance for years to come. Areas to work on: While you are doing well - don't forget to take time out of your busy day-to-day activities to stop and reflect on what brings you the greatest meaning in your life. If we fail to do this on a regular basis, we risk becoming tranquilized by the trivial. Sedated by the small details. Yes, deadlines need meeting and goals must be achieved. But if we are working toward goals that are not in alignment with our key values and greater purpose, we face becoming hostile and cynical - losing the reason we are doing 'all of this' in this first place! This translates into less joy and enthusiasm for our work - resulting in a diminished ability to be effective, at ease, and on purpose. As William James said: I have no doubt whatever that most people live, whether physically, intellectually, or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness... much like a man who, out of his whole body organism, should get into the habit of using and moving only his little finger... We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon, of which we do not dream. |
Kena keik, nagu kadunud Juhan Smuul öelnuks. Nagu alati, on asjal mitu aga. Nimelt on tänapäeva psühholoogid järjest enam veendumusel, et inimloomust ei saa vaadelda ainult vaimse või emotsionaalse intelligentsi vaatepunktist. Alguse selleks sügavutimõtlemiseks sain kunagi professor Mare Teichmanni koolituselt, aga ise olen asju juurde lugenud.
Niisiis, ideaalne ja tasakaalus inimloomus näeks joonisel välja selline:
Niisiis, kõik me oleme tasakaalust väljas. Sest paraku ei mahu ühtegi ringi rohkem kui 360 kraadi ja kui üks sektor on suurem, siis saab ta olla seda ainult teiste sektorite arvel. Kui kellelegi on midagi rohkem antud, on temalt tavaliselt ka midagi ära võetud.
Mida aga ma selle targutamisega tegelikult öelda tahtsin...võib-olla seda, et minu enda nõrgimad küljed on füüsiline täpsus ja seltsielu. Ja seda pole mõtet põdeda. See-eest on ülejäänud kahte sektorit ehk keskmisest rohkem jagatud.
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